November 28, 2017

The Pain You Caused Me

This poem secretly has the name of the person within the lines. Can you See it?

The pain you've caused me

I wish I could describe it to you!

Sleepless nights not just a few

but 7 days in a week!

Sleepless nights filled with tears

that's how I was all these years!

So weak and tired couldn't ever face my fears!

Covering my face with my blanket so nobody has to see my tears!

Making the music so loud that I don't have to hear my own thoughts but it's hurting my ears.

Became so sensitive that the slightest things make me so upset

depressed and sad wishing it was onset!

Wishing it would be okay,when I'm offset!

You don't know who you are, but look closer dear!

Misery loves Misery somehow I lost the way to victory.

Everybody can see the scars you put on me,the injury!

Defined and is clear, it is not a mystery.

Hopeful and adventurous, that was our history!

And we went through that path where it was all slippery.

Never have I thought that you'd lose me there, but my vision became so blurry!

It felt so bitterly!

Thinking and knowing for sure that I'll never see you again,wasn't my favorite memory!

Did you find yourself?!

Well I'm still lost in here

with nothing but fear!

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